About Us

Our Story

Where We Build Your Visions

We are a company specialized in integrated engineering works, starting from architectural design, through structural design, with engineering consultancy, ending with construction and complete finishes, to obtain high-end services all from one place, and based on our future vision, we have expanded in the field of constructions and entered into the world of gypsum mining and sale. As a raw material, and to complement our vision, we are currently expanding in the field of gypsum manufacturing in all its forms, through selling within the Arab Republic of Egypt, and aspiring to regional and global export.

A parent company, all inclusive

We are a company that believes in specialization, where there is the mother company, which is Load Contractor, and it is responsible for all the companies that belong to us, which is the ( Gamil Ayyad quarry ) for gypsum exploration, and the ( Nisr Sinai ) brand for manufactured gypsum products, selling and exporting them

Gamil Ayyad Quarry

It is the company responsible for gypsum exploration, manufacturing, selling and supplying the raw material

Load Contractors

It is the Parent company responsible for all the activities of the commercial entity and the engineering and the most important activity is Contracting

Nisr Sinai Gypsum

It is the company responsible for manufacturing gypsum of all kinds and forms, and responsible for selling to the country and exporting abroad

Our sustainable inspiration

Mr.Gamil Khalil Ayyad

Group Foundr

Every project has an idea and every idea has a dream that its founders have to complete this idea and dream and the continuous attempts to implement these dreams on the ground, and we were fortunate to have this man with continuous inspiration who always pushes us forward, and he is Mr. Gamil Ayyad, in all the steps of the group he had a part in it Great future vision, encouragement and planning until the dream before us was actually seen come true year after year, and after the passing of the years we were able, under the leadership of this man, to become one of the successful entities in the region, wishing for more continuity and success, adding a lot of experience in our field
God bless this man’s soul

Our top Management Team

Any successful business entity stands behind a lot of hard workers, continuity and persistence in reaching a high position, and this does not happen except with a full team to manage this business entity, but most of all this is the senior management that has the first and last decision

Eng.Muhammad Ayyad

Ceo & Founder of Load Contractors

Eng.Ahmad Ayyad

Vice Presedent of load contractors

We Provide the Best Service in Industry​